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Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (V7) Released 2020

TCI is a crisis intervention model developed at Cornell University, NY. Through this approach, children can learn constructive and adaptive ways to deal with frustration, failure, anger, rejection, hurt and depression when they see their carers manage crisis constructively.

This trauma and attachment evidence-informed model is used to teach staff and carers how to help children handle strong and stress inducing feelings in a constructive way.

V7 of TCI emphasizes the role and person of the carer in creating memorable, teachable and healing moments with and for children.

V7 of TCI further equips carers in whatever role to achieve their core motivation for working with children; to be experienced and seen by children as a genuine and helpful person.

Secure Attachment Matters can bring Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) and Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Families (TCI-F) to your organisation.

Some clients during 2020 were;

  1. FamilieBase in Dublin
  2. Comeragh Wilderness Camps Wicklow
  3. Ashdale Care
  4. Rotherham Social Services (UK)
  5. Community Restorative Justice Ireland
  6. Futurescapes – Ireland

TCI and TCI-F aims to enable organisations to equip caregivers to:

· Prevent a crisis from occurring

· De-escalate a potential crisis

· Safely and therapeutically manage crisis situations

· Constructively handle stressful situations

· Support children to improve their coping strategies.